Fernando Torres

Fernando Torres

Fernando Torres
Fernando Torres
Full name of Fernando Torres is Fernando Jose Torres Sanz. He is a professional Spanish football player play as a striker from team Spanish. His birth date is 20th march 1984 and running age is 32. In his carrier he achieve awards FIFA, FIFPro, World XI in year 2009. He play with current team "Atletico Madrid" and number in that team is 9. In his senior carrier he makes 82 goals in year  2001 to 2007. Torres's national carrier he makes 38 goals in year 2003 to 2014. His birth place is Fuenlabrada in Spain.

Torres play with Liverpool team in year 2008. In year 2010 again play with Liverpool team and in year 2012 play with Chelsea team for "FIFA Club World Cup" final. Torres is very happy when Spain win "UEFA Euro" in year 2008. In year 2013 Torres awarded with "Golden Shoe" in confederations cup. He makes small tattoo on his left arm. His wife name is "Olalla Dominguez".He married on date 27th may 2009. He has two siblings one is "Israel" and second is "Maria Paz". Israel born in year 1997 and maria born in year 1976. Net worth of Torres is $50 million in his regular season he play as a striker for Chelsea.

Nick name of Torres is "nando". Favorite brand is "Nike". He get salary upto 17 million. His name is "Leo Torres" and daughter name is "Nora Torres".

In Atletico Madrid Torres guilty of the terrible miss.in match with real sociedad torres passed up a golden opportunity.in the center yannick carrasco crossed from the right hand side to torres.fernando torres was presented with a clear sight of the goal.

In year 2003 Torres is a spanish international and made his debut against portugal.with spain team fernando torres participated in six major tournaments UEFA Euro 2004,2006 FIFA World Cup etc.