



The full name of Ronaldinho is Ronaldo de assis moreira. Ronaldinho born on date 21th march 1980. Ronaldinho born in Brazil. Current age of Ronaldinho is 36. The height of Ronaldinho is five foot eleven inch. Ronaldinho playing as a forward.

In the year between 2003 to 2008 he makes goal 70 in that time he plays in team Barcelona. Ronaldinho is a most popular Brazilian football player. He played in a club of Barcelona.

In national carrier he makes 33 goals in year between 1999 to 2013. Best skill of Ronaldinho is dribbling. The nick name of Ronaldinho is Gaucho.

Following is a Ronaldinho number:

          NUMBER 80 A.C.MILAN


Ronaldinho achieve number of awards in the year 2004 achieve awards "fifa 100". In the year 2009 he achive awards "golden foot". In the year of 2005 and 2004 achieve awards "fifa world player of the year".

The current club of Ronaldinho is "Spanish club fc Barcelona". he currently play in a Flamengo team. Net worth of Ronaldinho is 90$ million. In a club level playing history he played in first in a club of Brazilian club Gremio". he declare that he will retried in this end of season.

Relationship of Ronaldinho and Messi:

Ronaldinho said not spend more time with Messi because of he decide that he leave Barcelona.
Releationship of ronaldinho messi
Relationship of Ronaldinho and Messi
He play with Messi first in year one interview he said love to play with Messi more time this interview held in "gulf news".

He said that Messi is good player team Argentina is a great national team.he also said that my period at Barcelona was over and now a time to move towards to achieve new goals now a time for to leave.