
The full name of Bosingwa is "Jose Bosingwa da Silva" is a professional Portuguese football player. Bosingwa plays as a right back. His best skill is attacking fullback and ability for get up and get down flanks create a problem for opposition team.

Jose Bosingwa born on date 24th august 1982. Current age is 34, height is 1.83m. His current national team is Portugal national team. He gets a salary up to 2.126 million per year. His nationality is Portuguese and birthplace is "Mbandaka".

In youth career, he plays with team Boavista in the year 1997 to 2000. In senior career, Bosingwa makes 3 goals in the year between 2003 to 2008 in that time he play with team Porto. In the year between 2008 to 2012, he makes 3 goals in that time he plays with team Chelsea.

In national carrier Bosingwa not makes any goals year between 2007 to 2015. Bosingwa starts his training in 2008. Bosingwa celebrates his victory with Chelsea when the team won champions league in the year 2012.

In November, Bosingwa was released by Trabzonspor. At the Turkish club, Bosingwa has signed a deal for one and half year. Bosingwa plays important role in semi-final when Chelsea win the champions league in the year 2012.

Portuguese team has full back won the match with his fourth FA cup with Chelsea team in the year 2012. In west London, Bosingwa was on the front of the bus as the Chelsea players paraded.