
Fabregas is a professional Spanish football player who plays as a central midfielder for English club Chelsea. His national team is "Spain". Fabregas born on date 4th may 1987 running age is 29 and height of Fabregas 1.75m. He has got salary about 8.112 million. He is playing for the team is Chelsea. Full name of Fabregas is "Francesc Fabregas Soler". Birth place is "Arenys de Mar". His team number is 4 in team Chelsea FC

In the year 2003 to 2011, he makes 35 goals in that time he plays in team Arsenal. He makes 28 goals in the year between 2011 to 2014 in that time he play in a team Barcelona. He makes 10 goals in the year 2014 in that time he play in team Chelsea. This is a senior career of Fabregas.

In his national career, he makes 15 goals in the year 2006 in that time he play in a team of Spain. One time Fabregas was appointed as a captain in a team during the 2008 to 2009 season. Fabregas play as a captain for the team in champions league semi final. In November 2010 Fabregas in a game against rivals Tottenham. He handles arguments between Sergio and persie in one match. Fabregas celebrate victory when Spain win Euro 2008 championship. Fabregas also play in UEFA cup 2012 final.

Every time Fabregas played was a set piece taker for a team Arsenal. In the year 2010 Fabregas and Marouane prepare to kick off. Fabregas play for Spain in UEFA euro in the year 2012.